Luno Login | Login to My Account (Official Sites)

Explore the decentralised and NFT world with Luno Login

If you’d have noticed, nowadays cyber hacks, online thefts, frauds and scams are probably every day’s headline. Various crypto traders are the victim of these malicious activities and lost huge money.

When we are talking about safety in the crypto world, we can’t forget to mention MetaMask. Do you want to know, why?

Well! It stems from the fact that Lunoserves as a digital wallet and is used to store ETH and ETH-based coins. So, if you have purchased digital assets and want to hold them in any secure place, Lunocan be a perfect choice.

If you are also seeking guidance to use the crypto wallet, simply move further to get to know in-depth about the Luno Login platform.

Ultimate guide to unlocking Luno desktop sign in account

You may wonder- How can you perform Luno Login with a seed phrase? Well! The Luno Login cannot be done using the seed phrase. However, you may use the seed phrase to import your existing wallet to a new device. The steps listed below should be followed if you wish to accomplish the same.

  1. Open the home page after installing the Luno.
  2. You have the choice between "Import wallet" and "Create a wallet" here.
  3. Select "Import wallet" because you've previously established a wallet and have a seed phrase.
  4. When prompted, enter the seed phrase, and then follow the onscreen instructions to finish the process.

Kudos! Now you understand the usage of the seed phrase of your wallet and can move further by getting a glimpse of some other crucial facts about Luno.

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